According to the study, the climate crisis has caused the world to be on the verge of disaster.
Five dangerous tipping points may have already been passed due to the 1.1C of global heating caused by humans.
The collapse of the ice cap in Greenland, the collapse of a key current in the north Atlantic, and an abrupt melting of carbon-rich permafrost are some of the consequences of global warming.
Four of the five tipping points move from being possible to likely at 1.5C of heating. Changes to vast northern forests and the loss of almost all mountain glaciers can be achieved at 1.5C.
The final six tipping points require global heating of at least 2C according to the scientists. The timescales would vary from a few years to centuries.
The researchers concluded that the Earth may have left a "safe" climate state beyond 1C global warming. One tipping point can help create cascades. This is not included in the analysis because it is still being studied.
Prof Rockstrm is the director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
The tipping points that will be disastrous for people across the world are set by this. We have to do everything we can to prevent tipping points in order to maintain liveable conditions.
The leader of the study said it was really worrying. There are grounds for both grief and hope.
The goal of 1.5C is so important that it must be fought for.
We are not saying that because we are likely to hit some tipping points and everything is lost. The likelihood of hitting more tipping points is reduced by every fraction of a degree that we stop.
Recent research has shown signs of destabilisation in the Amazon rainforest, the loss of which would have profound implications for the global climate and biodiversity.
The risk of triggering climate tipping points increases with 2C of global heating according to a recent report.
More than 200 previous studies were assessed in the analysis published in the journal Science. Even if global heating ends, unstoppable change in a climate system will still occur.
There are nine global tipping points, including the partial and total collapse of Amoc, the collapse of the western and eastern ice sheets, and the loss of sea ice in the north.
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The Amazon tipping point assessment did not take into account the effects of depredation. The combination of the two could bring that sooner.
Changes to the west African monsoon and the die-off of tropical coral reefs are some of the consequences of a further seven tipping points. Major shifts in the Indian summer monsoon are one of the tipping points being studied.
When the minimum temperature threshold is passed and likely beyond the central threshold estimate, crossing a tipping point is a possibility.
The threat of tipping events under further warming is real and the review is a timely update.
He said that more research was needed to narrow down the critical temperature thresholds.
The University of Bern's Thomas Stocker said that the science on tipping points is far from finished and that better models are needed to address the question of what warming level is critical for which tipping point.
The Swiss government proposed a report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
The list of tipping points has grown and our assessment of the risk they pose has increased dramatically.
Positive social tipping points are needed to reach that.