Liron has had enough after turning a $10,000 investment into a $6 million one.

It's worth pointing out that in a new interview with Insider, Shapira said that it should all be shut down and that it was worthless.

Given the current state of the space, Shapira's opinion is not without wrong.

The investment fund manager who famously predicted the 2008 financial crisis is what he is trying to become.

Get Out

One of the lucky ones was Shapira, who got out of the market before it nosedived.

Despite making a bundle, the investor has become an outspoken critic of the space despite selling his stake in 2021.

He told Insider that a lot of people on the social networking site accused him of being bitter about the digital currency. He must have missed it. The bag was secured by me. I just don't like it.

Axie to Grind

He's used his online presence as a way to lure people into the space, like when he called AxieInfinity a Ponzi scheme.

Following his interview with Insider, he said "I've never been a crypto "hater" because this isn't emotional for me." Predicting which technology looks promising is all I do. I'd bet on it if I still thought it was a digital currency.

He now sees the writing on the wall.

He said that his bets are on the markets collapsing.

An angel investor made a $6 million profit after investing in a startup. He sold his stake and now thinks all of the digital currency is useless. TheInsider

There could be poor people in video games.