The social network is testing a new way to share a message in India by adding a button on the post. It's cumbersome and confusing that people will be able to share a message with their contacts and groups with the help of a new button on the app.
The regular share button will be replaced by the WhatsApp share button, which will allow users to send and receive messages via Direct message, copy link and share to other social media platforms.
It is not surprising that this is happening. One of the most used apps to share content with friends and family in the country is the chat app, which has over 400 million users. The mass appeal of the Meta-owned messaging app is one of the reasons why Twitter is trying to tap into it.
We are starting a new experiment in India that is important to us. In order to make the experience more open, accessible, andholistic for them, we are replacing the share icon on Tweets with theWhatsApp icon for the majority of people who use the service in the country.
It isn't the first social network to experiment with a button in India. A counter for the number of shares is next to all the posts on Sharechat, a local language social network backed by the likes ofTwitter and Google.
The majority of users in India will be able to take the new test, which is usually limited to a small group of users. The company could scrap the feature completely.