As a bleak winter with no Russian gas looms, Germans are cutting back on modern luxuries in hopes that rationing can help prevent power cuts.

The Local, a German news outlet, reported in September that some residents are taking cold showers, air-drying their laundry, and changing to light bulbs to deal with the energy crisis caused by Russia's invasion of Ukrainian.

A 39-year-old Berlin resident said in a recent survey that they plan to only heat two rooms in their house this winter.

Germany is the most dependent on Russian oil in the EU. One Berlin resident said he takes cold showers as a small anti-Putin gesture because of the precarious position.

Some German companies are trying to save money. The price of electricity in Germany has gone up more than 600% this year due to soaring natural gas prices.

Vonovia told Insider that it will lower tenants' heating during the night to save gas and money.

Tenants in Dippoldiswalde can't take hot showers between the hours of 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. Hot showers can't be used at public pools.

Russia supplied over half of Germany's natural gas before the war. If Russia cuts off its oil supply to Europe, there will be severe shortages.

Germany's Economy Minister Robert Habeck told reporters in August that while the current measures will help reduce the country's overall energy consumption, it's not enough.

New rules were put in place by the German government to limit energy usage. The private pool heating and shop lighting may be capped.

In late July, the city of Hanover published a list of restrictions that included limiting office electronics, shutting off hot water in public sinks, and turning off public fountains.

We want to reduce our energy use by 15 percent. "This is a reaction to the impending gas shortage, which poses a major challenge for the municipalities, especially for a large city like Hanover," said the mayor of the city. The gas storage is protected by kilowatt hours saved.

Have you been affected by the energy crisis? Are you planning on moving to a different country this winter? Send your story to this reporter at htowey@