The company's artificial intelligence technology is not close to being sentient and may never get there.

"Lamda is not sentient by any stretch of the imagination," Pichai said during an on stage interview at the Code conference in Beverly Hills on Tuesday evening.

In order to develop ambitious A.I. technology, Google and its parent company have invested a lot. He said that the company's earlier transformation from desktop PCs to mobile devices is just as important as incorporating A.I. across its wide range of products.

Concerns have been raised about various aspects of the technology due to the shift to A.I.

Lemoine caused a stir in June when he claimed that the company's A.I. chatbot technology had become human-like. Lemoine said in interviews with the media that the LaMDA system could think and feel like a seven- to nine-year-old child.

After he spoke out, Lemoine was put on leave and fired.

Pichai brushed off the idea of an all-powerful A.I.

There is still a lot of work to be done. Pichai said that human values are the foundation of the company's efforts to develop artificial intelligence.

Pichai acknowledged that it was a reflection of people's concerns that the A.I. incident turned into a large story. He said it was premature to worry.

In regards to sentient A.I., Pichai pointed to one of the company's own consumer chat products.

Even though I think it is the best assistant out there for A.I., you still see how broken it is in certain cases.

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