Whenever a new flagship Nintendo game is about to release, it gets a special editionSwitch to go with it. Today, Nintendo showed off the orange and grape-flavored Switch that will accompany the release of the next major Pokémon title.

The fancy paint job featuring the new legendaries Koraidon and Miraidon is worth $10 more than the regular price of the Nintendo Switch.

In addition to the new SWOLED, Nintendo also released a new trailer for the game that gives us more information about what to expect from the game. The trailer revealed the "evil" Team Star, a group of students that seem to live in their own area, which is a hilarious bit of world-building when you realize that Spain is currently grappling with independence movements.

The trailer shows off another part of the story campaign, in which your student helps an upperclassman find the mysteriousHerba. It will require going into the titans of pokémon, which seem to mimic the hunt for the pokmon alphas. Gym battles are the most important part of the game. Some of the gym leaders have been designed to get the maximum amount of thirst out of your students.

In the accompanying press release, there is a mention of a new feature called "Let's Go." The press release states that a trainer can send out a pokémon to roam the wilds, pick up items, and battle any monsters they run into, which is great for grinding, but shiny hunters might want to beware.

On November 18th, there will be two new Pokemon on the Nintendo Switch.