The author is Adam Vaughan.
There is a new business secretary.
There is a ZUMA Press Wire.
The appointment of Jacob Rees-Mogg to head the department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) by the new UK prime minister caused concern among environmentalists.
The appointment of Rees-Mogg to a key role in the new government seems to be good news for companies that extract fossil fuels and bad news for firms that want to accelerate the roll-out of renewable energy.
He rejected calls for a windfall tax on oil and gas companies so they wouldn't have to leave the North Sea. He said that frackking seems to be an interesting opportunity.
Gas prices are the main cause of rising energy bills. The main cause of the economic crisis is the price of fossil fuel. Chris Venables says that the UK has no chance of escaping this situation soon.
Dave Timms of Friends of the Earth said that putting someone who suggested that every last drop of oil should be taken from the North Sea in charge of energy policy was worrying.
A record of contrarian views can be found on the website DeSmog.
He wanted his people to have cheap energy instead of windmills. A gas power station is nine times more expensive than a wind power station. It is widely accepted that carbon dioxide emissions have risen but the effect on the climate is still being debated. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded last week that human influence on the climate system is clear.
Emergency support for UK households to cope with energy bills is one of the things that will be announced on 8 September. A new poll shows that 77 per cent of people think the two technologies should be used to lower electricity bills.
One early card the business secretary could play is a scientific review of new evidence that was commissioned earlier this summer but is still sitting on. That could be used to justify lifting the moratorium.
New oil and gas licences in the North Sea won't bring down bills or improve UK energy security according to Venables. Around a decade of previous exploration and government support in the UK failed to produce any gas for homes and businesses, as gas prices are set internationally.
The Climate Change Committee may be at odds with the government's advisers due to the apparent caveat-free enthusiasm for further North Sea oil and gas production. The independent group proposed in February that the UK government tighten tests to make sure new projects are compatible with climate targets.
John Gummer is the chair of the Climate Change Committee and a former Conservative party cabinet minister. Mrs Thatcher would say that this is about the facts and that we should get on with it.
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