A good summer melon is cantaloupe, which is full of vitamins and minerals. cantaloupe has a high water content but that doesn't mean it's low in nutrition.
They are a good source of vitamins A and C and are also a good source of the mineral potassium. It's low in calories but has a lot of flavor.
"This melon is a great choice when it comes to the amount of vitamins and minerals you can get from it," said Heather.
One cup of cantaloupe contains only 55 calories, but it's a good source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as 1.5 grams of fiber, and is a good source of magnesium.
Which fruit is low in sugar?
The nutrition facts for 100 grams of cantaloupe come from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Data Central.
Nutrition facts | Amount per serving |
Calories | 38 |
Water | 90.2 g |
Protein | 0.8 g |
Total fat | 0.18 g |
Total dietary fiber | 0.8 g |
Total sugar | 7.88 g |
Calcium | 9 mg |
Vitamin A | 0.232 mg |
Potassium | 157 mg |
Sodium | 30 mg |
It's low in calories, fat, and salt, and it's a great source of vitamins and minerals.
Both vitamins A and C are good for your body. Free radicals, which have an unpaired electron, are the cause of cell and tissue damage. Antioxidant work to maintain a health balance of free radicals and prevent problems caused by too many free radicals in the body.
There are sources, benefits and deficiency of vitamins A.
In the new tab, you can find the sources and benefits ofVitamin C.
The vitamins found in cantaloupe can help you see in dim light. Studies have shown that a deficiency of vitamins can cause irreversible blindness.
According to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public, including more fruits and vegetables in your diet can help protect your eyes from age-related eye problems.
According to the Harvard T.H. Chan, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.
A high-fiber diet, such as a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, can aid digestion and help prevent colon cancer, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Cucumbers, pumpkins, melons, and squashes are included in the Cucurbitaceae family. cantaloupe and its relatives are sometimes referred to as muskmelons in North America. Several varieties of Cucumis melo are considered to be Muskmelons.
The green skin of cantaloupe is similar to a beige net. The European cantaloupe is ribbed and lighter in color than a cantaloupe. The melons have salmon colored flesh and a seed pocket. A bit of cantaloupe can smell like mucus.
Muskmelons and watermelons are not the same plant. There are many types of watermelon.
You can't see the inside of a cantaloupe, that's why it's difficult to pick one. Freshness is important to the fruit's sweet taste. Pick up a cantaloupe that is heavier than you thought and it will be ripe. You should be able to push in the skin with your thumb if you put your nose next to the fruit.
If the melon isn't ripe when you buy it, you can put it on the counter for a few days. Don't wash the fruit until you're ready to cut it, because there's a chance it's going to become a breeding ground forbacteria.
While a cantaloupe will become softer and juicer with time, the fruit's sugar content won't increase after it's harvest, according to live science.
Most people enjoy cantaloupe without any risk. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cantaloupes have been linked to four food-borne illnesses in the last six years. The majority of the infections were caused bySalmonella, but people have also been sick from the same strain of the pathogen.
According to Colorado State University, cantaloupe may be vulnerable to an outbreak of food-borne illness because it is grown in close contact with the ground, where it may become contaminated withbacteria from the soil, water or animals before it is harvest. The melons have a rough surface that can be used to trapbacteria. During the processing of pre-cut melon, a knife can be used to cut through the rind. The same knife can transferbacteria to the flesh inside.
To make sure you don't get sick from eating the melon, wash it with a brush under water. Cut off the stem end of the fruit with a knife and a cutting board, then throw it away. According to studies, this area is most likely to be contaminated withbacteria. Use a melon baller or knife to cut the melon flesh into bite sized pieces after slicing it in half. After cutting, wash your hands.
There is a chance that cantaloupe can be eaten with other risk factors. Some people with allergies to ragweed may experience symptoms of oral allergy syndrome after eating melons, such as cantaloupe or honeydew.
The body's immune system recognizes a similarity between the ragweed pollen and the food proteins, which causes this reaction. ragweed sufferers may be sensitive to a number of fruits and vegetables.