Lucas is wearing his new boots very well.

There is a time when one's feet need the support of footwear. This seems to apply to penguins as well.

Lucas, a 4-year-old African penguin at the San Diego Zoo, has a new opportunity to thrive after being fitted with custom footwear made of rubber and neoprene.

Dr. Beth Bicknese said that having the chance to give Lucas a chance to live a normal life brings a smile to her face.

Lucas has a variety of foot conditions that can affect birds of all types. Lucas's bumblefoot is permanent and a lack of treatment could have resulted in his death.

He couldn't stand upright due to the weakened leg muscles caused by a spine infections. Over the course of three years, veterinarians at the San Diego Zoo tried a lot of different treatments.

The zoo enlisted the help of Thera-Paw, a company that designs mobility aids and veterinary products for animals, when Lucas started to develop blisters.

Bicknese said that the boots would help Lucas to fully participate in the colony and showcase behaviors that are more typical for a penguin.

After fitting Lucas with his new boots, zoo officials noticed that he was able to navigate his rocky habitat with greater ease.

After fitting Lucas with his new boots, we were surprised at the change in him. Seeing him moving gives us hope that he will live a full life.