The seed funding round was led by Silicon Badia and included participation from ScOp Venture and 500 Global. The startup received $1.2 million in a pre-seed round.

Userpilot helps companies achieve higher user activation, engagement, and retention rates by allowing them to personalize in-app experiences for users.

The latest funding will be used to build new features that will help companies further reduce their engineering costs, according to the CEO of Userpilot.

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After college, Sehwail developed enterprise web software for BMW that inspired his Userpilot strategy.

The idea for Userpilot came while we were working on a project with a client of ours. We would spend a lot of time and resources on building features only to find later that they were rarely used and the client would have to deploy a lot of human resources to educate users about them.

The product team was given the ability to create no-code in-product experiences that would contextually introduce users to features based on their behavior.

Customer support and engineering costs can be saved with the help of userpilot. Product teams can tailor- make content that looks and feels native to their applications thanks to the startup's heightened capacity to personalize experiences.

Companies can segment users based on their behavior. Product teams can contextually target users when it makes the most sense.

He said he has more than 700 paying customers across the globe. GrowthMentor claims to have experienced an 83% reduction in support tickets after implementing Userpilot's tools.

Silicon Badia has always believed in the product-led growth movement, where the product itself drives user acquisition, expansion, conversion, and retention. We believe that Userpilot is the next generation ofPLG tools, having invested in earlier success stories like Amplitude.

The product-led growth playbook