Dave Chappelle said that Will Smith's mask came off when he slapped Chris Rock at the Academy Awards. He wants the mask to stay off.

Chappelle said that a lot of people forget who Will Smith is. The actor was from a rough area of Philadelphia.

He acted like he was in Philadelphia when he was about to win the award.

He said that.

“Will did the impression of a perfect person for 30 years, and he ripped his mask off and showed us he was as ugly as the rest of us. Whatever the consequences are… I hope he doesn’t put his mask back on again and lets his real face breathe.”

Chappelle sees himself in both men.

After the Oscars, Chappelle was attacked on stage. There was a rock star in attendance.

Is that Will Smith? The rock broke.

Rock and Chappelle joked about their attacks at a small club show.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Chappelle told Rock that he had been hit. A homeless man with leaves in his hair hit me.

The article was first published on HuffPost.