by freshscience

Credit: CC0 Public Domain

It has been difficult to test the health of dolphin populations due to a number of factors.

Researchers from the University of New South Wales have found a way to give dolphins a quick health check that will tell us a lot about the state of our oceans.

Blow is the condensation that forms from exhaled breath.

The procedure was developed by a research associate at the university.

If a dolphin is sick, their lungs will change in response to the disease they are suffering from.

Studies show that our lungbacteria are essential helpers of the immune system keeping it clear of infections.

Respiratory disease is one of the main causes of death in cetaceans and keeping an eye on their lungs is important.

The process was proven to work by testing the dolphins' exhalations.

She says she collected the blow of 13 dolphins every month.

She says that nine of the dolphins were perfectly healthy and had a stable composition ofbacteria.

Four of the animals were sick.

In the sick dolphins, I found a similar pattern to those found in humans when they are sick.

Blowbacteria are not just random collections that accidentally enter the airway through the lungs and can be expelled, but they remain stable and likely form a symbiotic relationship with their host's immune system, according to a new study.

The test can be used to check the health of wild dolphins quickly and easily, keeping an eye on the state of the ocean.