In one of the worst attacks in the country's recent history, at least 10 people were killed and at least 15 were injured in a stabbing spree in a nearby aboriginal community.
Two people have been identified as suspects in the case.
Police said they are looking for two suspects, one of whom is armed and dangerous, and the other who is hiding in the capital city ofRegina.
Police were notified about the attack at 5:40 a.m. Authorities said suspects may have targeted some victims and stabbed others at random in 13 crime scenes.
Police issued a civil emergency alert and asked residents to shelter in place as they searched for the two suspects who were last seen in the capital city.
Trudeau said late Sunday that he was shocked and devastated by the attacks and that he was mourning with the people of the province. The perpetrators of theabhorrent attacks must be brought to justice.
The suspects had a reason for their actions. A statement from indigenous leaders suggested drugs may have played a role, with a group representing 74 First Nations in the province, saying the attacks are "the destruction we face when harmful illegal drugs invade our communities." The relationship between the two suspects is being investigated by authorities.
A mass shooting in Nova Scotia in 2020 left 22 people dead. Gun control laws were tightened immediately after the massacre.
According to the local journalist on the scene, the two suspects may have gone door to door to carry out the attack. People were flown to the main hospital after the attack. The village of Weldon is in centralSaskatchewan. The James Smith Cree Nation reserve has a population of over 2000 people. After mass graves containing the remains of more than 1,000 people, most of whom were children, were found at three former residential schools for indigenous children in Canada, there was a realization that there had been abuses against indigenous people. According to the Canadian government, Indigenous people are more likely to be victims of violence than non-Indigenous Canadians.
Canadian police expanded their search for two men after they were killed in knife attacks.
At least 10 people were killed in a mass stabbing in Canada.
There are at least 10 dead and 15 injured in a series of stabbings in the province.