Humans weren't the only ones who developed bad habits. Some primate in zoos became more solitary and sedentary while others displayed more sexually and physically dominant behavior.
The study compared the behavior of animals in a zoo and a park in 2020 when they were hidden from the view of humans.
The researchers found that olive baboons performed less sexual and dominance behavior when visitors came back.
When the park was closed, they approached visitor cars more often than they had the Ranger's vehicle.
The study found that when visitors came back, bonobo and gorilla spent less time alone and more time resting.
When the zoo was open, the Chimpanzees ate more and were more active.
Chimpanzees and baboons appeared to be stimulated by the return of visitors, but it is difficult to say whether the experience was positive or negative.
bonobo and gorilla spending less time alone is positive.
The researchers say that the reduction in resting behavior in more sedentary gorilla could be related to visitors.
The research suggests that the gorillas were able to modify their behavior to reduce over stimulation and manage their own experiences better.
The olive baboons may have been stimulated by visitors but there was a threshold after which this did not increase.
Their increased sexual behavior may have been due to the fact that they didn't have the stimulation of moving vehicles.
Zoo animals are some of the most advanced in the world and their interactions with visitors are complex.
A limitation to understanding how visitors can affect the behavior of animals in zoos and parks is that they are rarely close to the public for a long period of time.
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The impact of zoo visitors on animal welfare is thought to be crucial.
Different animals and humans respond in different ways.
The varied ways in which visitors can influence the behavior of primate in captivity was shown by Dr Ellen Williams.
Zoo species are able to adapt to their environments when visitors are present.
Provision of environments that allow animals to adapt in this way is important for their welfare.
Between April and September 2020 and November and January 2020 the data was collected for the study.
Chimpanzees, bonobo, gorilla, and other animals were observed at Twycross zoo in Leicestershire.