A tourist in Turkey is being dragged underwater by a giant turtle. A tourist was swimming in the Mediterranean Sea while in Turkey.

A woman is visiting the country and was attacked by a sea turtle. That is something she mentioned.

The attack happened at the Gzeolaba resort. She said she was close to the shore when she turned. According to reports, her injuries were so bad that she couldn't sit comfortably.

The tourists were attacked by a crocodile at the Mexican resort.

What happened?

There was an attack on a turtle. Lidia had wounds on her body from her powerful jaw and sharp beak.

The tourist was in the water when the sea turtle grabbed her. She was bitten with even more force. She told the Daily Mail that she was drowned.

When the lifeguard shouted at the sea turtle, the predator only let go of its grip. The creature allowed the tourist to get away.

Why the attack?

Professor Mehmet Gkolu is a Turkish expert.

Lidia and her daughter want a warning sign near the site of the attack. Two people were bitten by sea turtles while swimming in the area.

During her stay at resort Gzeolaba, she said she came to this spot frequently. Before this attack, she had no problems. The Caretta Caretta can weigh as much as a dairy cow.

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