Jamie Raskin said that President Joe Biden was right to warn about the dangers of the Republicans.

Two of the hallmarks of a fascist political party are that they don't accept the results of elections that don't go their way and that they embrace political violence. President Biden sounded the alarm this week about the continued attacks on our constitutional order from the outside by Donald Trump and his movement.

Raskin, a member of the House select committee investigating the Capitol insurrection, was discussing Donald Trump's call to have the 2020 election rerun, or that he should be reinstalled into office.

The lawmaker said that the call to rerun the election is outside of the constitution.

There is no procedure for the military to seize the election machinery and run a new election, which is one of the things that his disgraced former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was pushing.

Biden warned of the dangers of extremists during his speech.

When one side believes there are only two outcomes to an election, democracy can't survive. That's where the Democrats are today.

The GOP is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, according to Biden. That is a danger to this country.