As part of a charity auction, Bill Murray's charity raised more than $185,000, but hackers stole it.

Data shows that the actor's personal wallet was hacked on Thursday evening and that 118 of thecryptocurrencies were taken.

Murray was selling a beer with him. An artist painted the scene on canvas and turned it into a digital copy while the successful bidder was in attendance.

The hacker stole 119.2 ether from Murray's charity account the next day. Six other people made a total of 60 bids, but none of them succeeded in winning the bid.

A representative of the marketplace said that the runner-up sent 120 ether to Chive to reimburse them.

The hacker tried to steal 800 NFTs from the Bill Murray 1,000 collection, but was protected by a wallet security team.

Murray had filed a police report and was working with Chainalysis to find the hacker, according to representatives for Murray.

The case of Murray's misfortune is a high-profile one.

The main character in one of Green's upcoming shows was going to be stolen by a hacker and he had to pay $260,000 in order to get it back.

According to a study by Chainalysis, almost $2 billion in digital currency was stolen in the first half of the year.