Many people think it is difficult to pay off student loan debt.

Brian Kilmeade asked if a politician can be successful and if people should pull themselves up by the bootstraps.

One student loan debt solution that worked for him was to write a book.

When I was elected to the Senate, I had over $100,000 in student loans that I was able to pay off because I wrote a book.

If not, I would continue to pay it.

The clip of the literary suggestion is available below.

The clip was spotted on Saturday by users who thought it was funny.

We all need to win a Senate race and write a book.

Rubino found a way to be less popular than Dr Oz.

I had loads of grad school debt and have written five books and the combined royalties will likely equal that debt in the year 2525

— Jeff Melnick (@melnickjeffrey1) August 28, 2022

The article was first published on HuffPost.
