A defibrillator
'And if it really needs saying, if you don't have a defibrillator at your club, get one' - Hertford Town's message to other clubs

The life of one of their players was saved by having a defibrillated player.

The game was stopped in the second half due to a medical problem.

Both clubs paid homage to the people who performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the field.

One of their players was stable and talking in the hospital, and his family were going to see him.

"Hugely distressing scenes today that you never want to witness on a football pitch or anywhere, but fortunately some good news," they said on Twitter.

Thanks to Alasan Ann, our player who performed cardiopulmonary arrest on the pitch, and the rest of the team for their support.

The crew from the air ambulance said that those guys and the fact that our defibrillator was close by saved a life today.

If you don't have a defibrillated person at your club, get one. It's not cost that matters when they can save lives on and off the pitch.

Last year, the Premier League Defibrillator Fund, supported by the the FA, the Premier League and Sport England was launched.

In order to help thousands of grassroots football facilities without an easily accessible device on site, the aim is to install automated external defibrillators and external storage cabinets.

Fabrice Muamba, who had a cardiac arrest on the pitch in a game at Spurs in 2012 and suffered a heart attack, survived after being treated with a defibrillated heart rate.

Those involved in the medical emergency were praised by the chairman of the football club.

"We hope the player will make a speedy recovery and will be back playing again soon." he said.

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