The Hubble Space Telescope has provided amazing views of the universe.

Hubble continues to provide important observations of the universe as the world raves about NASA's new space telescope.

The telescopes are even more powerful as a couple. Astronomers will be able to see more of the universe with the space-based telescopes.

The Hubble Space Telescope and the Webb Space Telescope complement each other and are good news for astronomy, according to a senior project scientist for the Hubble Space Telescope.

Hubble's science return is expected to be strong, and even enhanced throughout this decade, as the universe is revealed together.

Through Hubble's looking glass

Hubble being deployed from Discovery in 1990.
Hubble being deployed from Discovery in 1990.

Astronomers have used Galileo's telescope to look into the sky. Astronomers were able to peer deeper into the universe with these instruments.

Their observations were limited by Earth's atmosphere which absorbs light before it reaches ground-based telescopes. Space-based telescopes could be used. NASA says that by sitting high above the distortion of Earth's atmosphere and away from light-polluted cities, Hubble provides an unimpeded view of the universe.

The space shuttle Discovery was launched in 1990. It is still circling the planet every 97 minutes despite being only 15 years old.

"Hubble is in good technical condition, even 32 years after it was launched, with a strong suite of science instruments on board."

The Pillars of Creation in the Eagle Nebula, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1995.
NASA, Jeff Hester, and Paul Scowen (Arizona State University)

Hubble's images have helped us understand the universe. Evidence of black holes at the center of the universe was provided. The dark energy that caused the expansion was discovered and characterized by Hubble. Its most famous image is the Pillars of Creation, which shows stars glowing in the Eagle Nebula.

Even after it began delivering images from its scientific observations in July, Hubble continues to take stunning pictures. The Hubble Telescope snapped an image of a cluster of stars.

A globular cluster NGC 6540 in the constellation Sagittarius, which was captured by the Hubble Space Telescope.
A globular cluster NGC 6540 in the constellation Sagittarius, which was captured by the Hubble Space Telescope.
ESA/Hubble & NASA, R. Cohen

Webb's infrared gaze

There are many differences between Hubble and the other space-based telescopes. The Hubble telescope sees light from the sun, while the James Bond movie will look at the universe in its entirety.

Hubble can't see objects that are more than 13 billion years old. This light has been shifted into the wavelength that is used for detecting objects in the air.

Hubble can see the visible and ultraviolet light but it will miss objects in the visible and ultraviolet light.

Hubble is the only major observatory that can see the UV wavelength.

A collage shows pictures from the Hubble and the James Webb space telescopes side by side
A deep field image from the Hubble space telescope, left, and a deep field image from the James Webb Space Telescope, right.

A telescopic twosome

The two space-based observatory will be teaming up to unveil the universe.

They'll give insight into how stars are born in the clouds of dust and scattered throughout the universe. "Hubble can detect and analyze in detail the hot blue and UV light blazing from star-forming nebulae in nearby galaxies," he said.

Two space-based telescopes will look at the atmospheres of other worlds to see if there are signs of life.

Astronomers look for the ingredients that sustain life in the form of liquid water, carbon, and other elements. The first measurement of an exoplanet's atmosphere was made by Hubble.

"In our own galaxy, the understanding of planets within and beyond our own solar system will be greatly enhanced with the Webb and Hubble combo," he said.

Artist's impression of a planet orbits a yellow, Sun-like star called HD 209458 — the first direct detection of the atmosphere of a planet orbiting a star outside our solar system.
In 2001, Hubble made the first direct detection of an atmosphere of world orbiting a star beyond our solar system. Artist's impression of the planet, which orbits a star called HD 209458.
G. Bacon (STScI/AVL)

Hubble's ability to capture visible and ultraviolet light makes it a sought after tool for understanding the universe. "Hubble is at its best now," he said. She said that the team of NASA technical experts on the ground quickly address any technical challenges that arise.

"The number of proposals from scientists around the world who want to use Hubble has risen to over 1000 per year, with only the top fraction of these selected for actual observations," he said.