Resident Evil is a video game.
The cancellation of Resident Evil after just one season means there won't be a second season, and there won't be any more Resident Evil movies.
This isn't one of the times whenNetflix cancels too many shows too soon. The cancellation of Resident Evil is expected and justified.
The hours are high and the reviews are good. If you pick two of those, you could be on your way to renewal at a place that has a lot of viewers. You can't have all of them Resident Evil briefly topped the charts, but dropped off quickly as people either didn't finish the series or were told not to watch it.
It scored poorly among both critics and fans, which is an increasing rarity in an age when we usually see them agree. With its zombies and monsters, Resident Evil may have signed its death warrant more than anything.
Resident Evil fans and casual viewers didn't like it. The source material for the show was warped in ways that were truly bizarre for RE fans. While Lance Reddick tried his best as Wesker, the entire concept just didn't work, and no one really understood why they deviated so far from the source material.
Resident Evil is a video game.
The show didn't work from the idea to the script. Andrew Dabb said that there were plans to work through the entire Resident Evil canon in the future.
Everything will be brought in over the course of the series. I want Lady D, I want the plant monster, I want everything. I want everything, but I want it in moderation.
The show ended on a cliffhanger, with neither the past nor present day storylines resolved, and a tease of a second season. She won't now.
The process of adapting video games is a difficult one. It is no longer a guaranteed disaster as we have seen some great strides with things like the Sonic movies. There is a large range. The Resident Evil movie is the bad end. It is close to the middle. Based on what we have seen and who is making it, I would expect The Last of Us to be pretty good.
Sometimes it's a good idea to cancel the service. This is a good time for Resident Evil.
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The Herokiller series and The Earthborn trilogy are available for purchase.