The steering wheel seems to have gone awry when it comes to reinventing the wheel forTesla. The steering yokes on the Model S have started to shed after just ten to 20,000 miles of use.

The vegan leather that coats the yokes has fallen off in many cases according to the testimonies shared on social media. That's a bad look for cars that cost over $100,000 new. A car with 20,000 miles or less has not been used. The richest man in the world can do better than this.

Rush Job

Steering wheels can degrade over time but timing is important. The Model S vehicles that actually have the yokes have been out of production for a long time.

This type of problem can be attributed to insufficient testing and the result of a rush to market. It's not terribly surprising that he'd push something out too early because of the recent comments he's made about the finances of the company.

Quality concerns have been faced by the billionaire's vehicles before. The Cybertruck has been mocked for being horrible and brand-spankin' newTeslas have been known to arrive to eager new owners in terrible condition.

We feel for the Model S owners. The vehicles are pricey. As for Musk, that's up to you. Material issues may just come with the territory. The steering wheels seem to change, but Musk doesn't.

There's more on the bad quality of the electric car.