Four years after graduating architecture school, my husband and I have been dreaming about buying a house. When we visited this house in March, we immediately put in an offer because we wanted a bright, spacious, and close to the beach house.
Many items listed on the inspection report as being in working condition were damaged and that the smell we noticed during the showing was not from the seller's dirty laundry and furniture, it was from a combination of rat poop and mold.
Rats chewed up the ductwork, the plumbing system had tree roots growing through it, and the windows barely shut in the first week.
roach droppings were found on the kitchen walls, outlets and light switches, in the fridge, and in wall corners around the house.
We were told by our inspector that there was evidence of wood destroying organisms and that we should get a WDO inspection. We were told that a three-day house tenting would make sure that pests wouldn't come back.
We were never told that the rats had been living in the house for a long time and had destroyed everything in their path. There were piles of rat poop behind the cabinets, in the fridge, walls, vent, soffits, and insulation on the attic floor. We had to gut the kitchen, bathroom, and attic.
When we removed the toilet, we found that the wall behind it was covered in black mold, so it had to come down.
The home was not safe to live in. Our inspection report didn't state that the house was damaged, and we spent more than $30,000 to fix it. We asked the sellers why they were using window units and they said it was cheaper to use them. We had to replace the entire system after the inspection stated that the A/C worked.
We were told not to pursue legal action due to the financial and emotional strain it would cause.
The bottom line was that inspectors and real estate agents have clauses in their contracts that protect them from these types of situations, and it would take years to receive anything in return for the hefty legal fees that we would not be able to afford.
The sellers were present during the walk- through. We didn't feel comfortable opening curtains, cabinets and closets because they followed us and talked to us throughout the process.
Our agent suggested that we let the sellers stay after closing since we were flexible with our move-in date and it would make the deal better. He didn't tell us about the risks.
We didn't see the house empty and we didn't see the damage that was hidden. The sellers needed the funds for their next move so they tried to move up the closing date. This was a way to make sure that the sale went through.
When we visited the house, we felt uncomfortable having the sellers present, but we assumed it was ok because our agent was scheduling these appointments. We listened when he told us to use his lender and inspector.
We were very confident that the inspector would notice the damage and report it. We should've been our own advocates, done our own research, and paid close attention to the house we were looking at.
They want the sale to go through so that they can get a paycheck.
If we ever purchase a house again, we'll interview at least two different realtors to ask about their process of finding a home, the different types of inspections that they recommend homes receive, the number of sales they've had in the last year, and a few references that we can A simple search on the internet can help a real estate agent find houses that fit with your criteria. They're supposed to keep an eye on you from the beginning.
We could have two separate checks. We paid $540 for our inspection, but it would have saved us tens of thousands of dollars over time.
I would like to ask the inspector more questions. I should've told him to find a way to get to the attic and crawl space when he said he couldn't. I should have asked the inspector to do his job right and be more knowledgeable about it.
If I didn't have an attorney, I would ask my family, friends, and anyone who has purchased a lot of homes to review my contracts. It's always better to have another set of eyes on important documents when it's hard to share personal and financial information with others.
We kept the money in our savings so that we could use it to build a garage for my husband to work in and make improvements to the house. Without our savings, we wouldn't have been able to afford the repairs to our house, and we wouldn't have been able to find a home to live in.
When we bought our house, we knew the market was out of control and that prices were high, but we had a large amount of savings and were not waiving home inspections, which made us feel confident.
It was our first time buying a house and we really loved it, so we ignored the red flags.
For the last two months, we've been hopping from one place to another in order to make the house presentable. We're fortunate to have full-time jobs that allow us to build up our savings and pay for unforeseen expenses, but we're doing most of the repair ourselves after work. We don't have the money to hire contractors to help us on the home, so we've watched videos on how to do it ourselves. We have not been able to start renovations because we are still in the process of removing all the rat feces.
As soon as I step into the house, I feel like I've lost my mind.
The smell is still there even after the repairs have been done and the amount of work has been done. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't buy this house because it has destroyed our savings, forced us to live out of suitcases, and caused emotional distress.
We are currently cleaning out one bedroom and the bathroom so that we can move in by early August. When we are able to live in our home, we will look back and be thankful, even though we won't have a fully working house with a kitchen until 2023.
She is a video editor.