The space telescope is having a great season.

The discovery of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of an exoplanet was made on Thursday by a team of astrophysicists using the new telescope.

The planet, known as WASP 39b, is a very hot gas giant. It is one-eighth the distance between our sun and a sun-like star as we know it. The planet zips in front of its star every four days.

A group of robotic telescopes were used to discover the planet in 2011. The name Bocaprins was given to it by the International Astronomical Union.

During the transits of WASP 39b, the light from its home star is absorbed by the atmosphere and the atoms and Molecules in it.

Natalie Batalha, of the University of California, Santa Cruz, is the leader of the team that found water on WASP-39b. The most abundant heavy elements in the universe are carbon and oxygen. In the atmosphere of solar system planets, carbon dioxide is abundant.

The first result has a lot to do with instrument performance. I thought this was going to work when I saw it.

The work is going to be published in the journal.

The detection of carbon dioxide on WASP-39b boded well for the detection of atmospheres on smaller planets.