A region of sky near the Big Dipper, peppered with countless galaxies and stars.

President Biden revealed a deep field image of the space telescope on July 12th. The new image shows a region of sky eight times larger than the first one, and it has some amazing structures from the universe.

As part of the Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science Survey, the image was made up of a mosaic of 690 frames. The images were taken in June and the last six will be taken in December.

Some of the earliest galaxies and their structures, as well as the physical conditions and growth of stars and black holes, will be studied in the survey. The extended groth strip is near the handle of the Big Dipper. It is easier to see distant and fainter light sources in that region of the sky.

The data was collected by two instruments that operate in the mid- and near-infrared wavelength. The image is only a small part of the data that will be collected.

The full-scale.tif images allow you to zoom in and out until you lose sight of the enormity of the universe. There are some really interesting objects here.