Long COVID has been a source of fear for parents during the Pandemic. How many children are affected? A parent can be frightened and confused by conflicting messages. There is a consensus that long COVID in children is a real risk, but it's not as big as previously thought.
Fears were justified early on. As many as 66 percent of children could be impacted by long COVID, according to studies at the beginning of the Pandemic. According to some experts, the early reports included biases. The original studies were never taken at their face value. The studies were not in line with what we were seeing.
It is difficult to define long COVID. According to the World Health Organization, it is a symptom that lasts for at least two months after being exposed to the coronaviruses that cause it. Long COVID is defined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as symptoms that start four weeks after an infectious disease. Complicating matters, long COVID is a catchall phrase that includes a number of common symptoms that many people experience on a regular basis, regardless of whether they have ever had a COVID infections. Recent studies have included control groups. This has allowed experts to compare children who have had COVID with those who have never been diagnosed with it, and assess whether those who have been exposed to the disease experience more severe symptoms. Do sufferers suffer more nagging symptoms than evaders?
A large U.K. study was published in August of 2021. The team looked at the number of children who tested positive and the number who tested negative over the course of a year. The children who tested positive felt better after six days. It is reassuring that the rate of long-term symptoms from COVID in kids is low.
When the team compared children who felt unwell at the four week mark with those who had tested positive, they found that those who had tested negative felt worse and had more symptoms than those who had tested positive. The authors thought that the children in the negative cohort were suffering from other respiratory viruses that they hadn't been tested for. It is1-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-6556 According to Emma Duncan, a professor of clinical endocrinology at King's College London, the Pandemic has had an impact on all children.
In a study published in the Lancet Child & Adolescent Health in June, researchers asked parents of children who had tested positive or negative for the disease between January 2020 and July 2021, if they wanted their child to attend school. The children who had tested positive were more likely to report a symptom than the children who had tested negative. The lead author of the study was surprised to find that a lot of the children in the control group had been sick.
It's possible that the children were struggling emotionally, which could make them sick. Depression can manifest as fatigue and both are symptoms of long carbon dioxide. The older children's psychological and social symptoms were assessed by the team and they found that those in the control group were more scared, had more difficulty sleeping and felt more worried than those in the COVID group. Berg thinks that the children in the control group are still living restricted lives.
The world was afraid of disease and children were suffering from the new normal of being locked up and isolated. The study published in February in the Lancet Child & Adolescent Health offered crucial information about the mental health toll on children, even if they had not been exposed to the disease. Forty percent of children who had Covid three months prior reported feeling worried, sad or unhappy.
Many recent studies have found that the odds of children developing long COVID are low, and that other factors could be to blame. Many researchers note that false negatives are possible, but they don't think that the numbers would have been high enough to skew their results. Testing was commonplace in Europe where all of these studies were conducted. Children were encouraged to be tested twice a week in school when Berg's team sent out a nationwide survey.
The welcome news doesn't change the fact that symptoms of chronic bronchitis can persist for months in a small percentage of children. A lot of children are suffering, even if only a small percentage of them are affected by the disease. The director of the Post-COVID Program at Children's National Hospital in Washington, D.C., has seen close to 90 patients so far and has a schedule that is booked until November. She says that every patient is affected by something. The number is not insignificant if your child is a patient. According to Scientific American, a mother whose nine-year-old son tested positive in late December 2021, has suffered from deep coughs, multiple headaches a day and extreme fatigue, making him unable to keep up with schoolwork. He feels better now.
Scientists are racing to better understand the long-term risks of COVID infections in order to help patients. The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report found that children were twice as likely to have an acute pulmonary embolism after a COVID infections. People who suffer from COVID are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular problems, such as blood clot, and type 1 diabetes.
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The risks are up for debate. The research was based on a medical claims database where codes and even dates can be misleading. The study used the CDC's definition of long COVID, which was used by the WHO and most of the other studies. Many symptoms retreat with time, so the shorter time line may have influenced the CDC study. Myocarditis can occur when someone is acutely ill but doesn't go away for a long time. The researchers didn't quantify the incidence of long COVID, but they did note that many symptoms are rare or uncommon.
Some children can have long-term impacts on themselves, but I don't think it's a problem for most kids. He and his colleagues conducted a study that supports that. Children who spent two days or more in the hospital are more likely to have long COVID rates than other children. Being 14 or older, having seven or more symptoms, and having a lengthy hospital visit were all associated with a greater risk of developing long COVID three months after the initial infections. The rate was 4% for children who were discharged from the ER. The team found that the rates of long COVID symptoms were 5.2 and 1.6 percent among hospitalized and discharged children.
Vaccination is thought to help prevent long COVID in children by decreasing the risk of hospitalization. The jab is important. She says that it is a risk every time. Anything you can do to maximize your protection from that is a good idea. It's better to tip the odds a bit more in your favor.