DuckDuckGo launched a free service last year to help people protect their privacy. The email protection was available through a wait list. Everyone will be able to try it without having to wait for access.

Email protection removes trackers from messages DuckDuckGo will let you know which tracker it scrubs. According to DuckDuckGo, trackers were found in 85% of the emails.

Anyone can sign up for an email address at, which can be used on desktop, mobile and tablets. If you prefer, DuckDuckGo says you can create unlimited private email addresses. At any time, you can change the address's settings.

More privacy-focused measures have been added to the company's email protection. Link Tracking Protection helps prevent tracking in email links, while Smarter Encryption protects emails from being tracked You can reply to messages with a address instead of your email account.

The DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser has an email protection feature. If you want to try it, go to the email protection section. The DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials extension is needed on the desktop. You can access the email section of the website.