The 8 x 8 rule states that you should drink eight glasses of water per day with 8 ounces of water per glass. We get a lot of fluids from our meals and other liquids count towards the quota. If you drink a lot of fruit squash, tea, low-fat milk, sugar-free drinks or even coffee, you'll be in good shape.

A person who is very active will need to drink more water than a person who is sedentary. A leading medical journal in the Netherlands explains that the body's fluid balance is regulated by a hormone. A healthy person should be able to excrete 500 liters of urine and 3000 liters of fluid per day.

Drinking eight glasses of water a day isn't likely to put you at risk of water intoxication. According to an article in the Journal of Clinical Pathology, there are some symptoms of water intoxication. Hyponatraemia can occur if you have too much water in your body.

There is a question about how long a person can live without water.

There is no disagreement that water is important to a healthy life. It is so personal and dependent on other lifestyle factors that there is no scientific consensus on the amount of stuff an individual should consume each day.

The thirst response is there to prevent us from getting dehydrated in the first place, and it shouldn't be ignored.

Your urine color can be affected by the amount of urine you produce, so if you're dehydrated, your urine may be darker than normal. Generally, urine is darker in the morning, but this isn't a cause for concern as for most healthy adults, this will be an accumulate of eight hours' worth of fluid. If you wanted to monitor your urine color at home to see how much you should be drinking, this wouldn't work in a lab, where they would test your osmolality to see if you are dehydrated.

Food and drink

Food is one of the sources. Water is contained in everything you eat. Watermelons and strawberries are more than 90 percent water by weight, according to the US Department of Agriculture. Different diet contains different amounts of water. According to a 2004 report by the National Academies of Sciences, the average person in North America gets 20% of his or her daily water intake through food.

Other beverages are one of the key water sources that the rule overlooks. Coffee, tea, milk, juice and soda all have water in them. Studies show that coffee is a good source of H2O and does not cause dehydration. There can be adverse side effects of drinking too much caffeine.

Between food, water, and other fluids, how much should you drink? According to the National Academies of Sciences, women consume a total of approximately 98 ounces of water from all beverages and food each day, while men get approximately 127 ounces. These aren't supported by scientific studies.

Everyone's hydration needs vary based on their age, weight, level of physical activity, general health and even the climate they live in. The more water you lose, the more water you need to drink and eat. A person doing strenuous physical work in a hot, tropical climate would need to drink more water than a person of the same weight and height sitting in an air conditioned office.

The best place to look for advice is inside.

According to the National Academies of Sciences, most healthy people meet their hydration needs by letting thirst be their guide. Water is the best medicine when your hydration levels are low. Dark yellow or orange urine is usually indicative of dehydration, while well-hydrated urine should look pale yellow or odorless.

Drink more when you sweat and less when you are thirsty. Your body will carry it to the other side.

The original article was published on Live Science in January.