According to multiple news outlets, a Los Angeles jury ordered the county to pay Kobe Bryant's widow $16 million for invasion of privacy after emergency responders took and shared photos of the dead athlete's body.
Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and his wife is testifying in a lawsuit.
After just over three hours of deliberations, the jury delivered a unanimous verdict.
According to the Associated Press and USA Today, Chris Chester and his wife Sarah were awarded fifteen million dollars in damages by a jury.
The lawyer for Chester told the jury that the Bryants should get between $100,000 and $1 million a year for the rest of their lives.
Bryant testified that she lives in fear of the photos becoming public and that her daughters may one day see them.
Kobe Bryant and seven other people were killed in a helicopter crash in Los Angeles in January 2020. According to a review of the accident by the National Transportation Safety Board, the pilot, Ara Zobayan, ignored safety protocols by flying in low visibility when he shouldn't have done so. Los Angeles County, the Los Angeles County sheriff's department, the Los Angeles County fire department, and certain officials are accused of taking dozens of photos of the bodies of crash victims when it wasn't necessary for investigation. The photos were shared by the Los Angeles Times. The gruesome sights at the crash scene were described by the county Coroner during the trial. The photos were spread among members of the departments and to their spouses, and were shown to others at an awards ceremony and to a bartender. The deputy saidcuriosity got the best of him. One officer said he was ordered to take the photos.
The New York Times has a story about a lawsuit.
Cops took and shared pictures of the Kobe Bryant crash site. The cover-up followed. The person is anInsider.
A jury was asked to award millions to Bryant's wife.
Kobe Bryant's widow says photos turned to grief.
Kobe Bryant Crash Photos: What to Know is the subject of a lawsuit by Bryant's wife.