While trying to promote his memoir about working in the Trump White House, he is also trying to avoid offending his father-in-law.

He keeps getting actual questions instead of the softballs he thought he would get, even though he is only doing interviews with friendly outlets.

The former first son-in-law was confused when Bill Hemmer asked if he would work for Trump if he was reelected.

A piece of word salad was his reply.

It was a pleasure to work for him. In the book, I talk about how different it was. "I'm very proud of the things I did." I don't want people who are from the private sector to be afraid of going to Washington. That is what our founders wanted. They wanted people to leave their farm and then return. It takes a lot of work, but you can do it.

Hemmer asked if that was a possibility.

The question wasn't answered by Kushner, instead he continued on.

He said that we don't need career politicians who have been doing it for 30 years. People with real-life business experience are needed to come to Washington. That is what the president did. He brought a lot of people like him, but now he has a lot of very qualified people with him who can help him do things he didn't have in the beginning of his term. I am enjoying my life in the private sector and am happy with my time with my children.

The question about whether Trump made a mistake by taking classified material to Mar-a-Lago was odd.

I don't know what was in the boxes. I assume that President Trump did what he thought was appropriate when he had his documents.

Many people on the social network had a field day with the strange choice of words.

Some put it in different places.

The non-verbal message that was being conveyed was the focus of the Daily Beast writer.

The article was first published on HuffPost.
