There is a person called the Sandman.
Is it possible for a world famous author's work to be adapted into a TV series? Think again, if you are Neil Gaiman, you have to deal with the huge production costs of making a TV show, as well as the fact that you have to deal with a streaming service.
When a bonus episode of The Sandman was released, it moved it up to the top spot on the top 10 chart on the streaming service. Even though it has over 250 million hours of viewing time so far, it may not be enough to avoid cancellation.
The recent news that a show like First Kill was canceled because not enough people stayed around to finish it, is similar to an earlier message from Neil Gaiman, who urged his followers to finish watching the show.
It is crazy that you can have a show that is a hit with fans and critics, has high viewing time, and yet you are still trying to rally fans to save it, even though you know it is not going to work.
It's bad timing that the show is expensive due to the fact that places like the Dreaming are rendered in all their glory.
Killing off Sandman feels like it would draw a lot of bad press, and it is fighting the perception that it is canceling good shows before their time. If that does happen, Neil Gaiman has said that the option is there for him and the team to take season 2 elsewhere, to a service that wants to fund them. This is a WB/DC production and they have been shown to favor things they own in full more than they have co-produced.
The streaming market is about as crazy as it has ever been, so who knows how this will play out? It doesn't feel like a sure thing that the second season of the show will come from the streaming service.
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The Herokiller series and The Earthborn trilogy are available for purchase.