Russian travelers are still visiting countries in the EU despite the ban on Russian flights.

Russian tourists have been able to travel to various EU destinations by taking circuitous routes to their destinations, or by simply driving across the country's northwestern border to get to the airport.

The EU flight ban has made Finland a key transit hub for Russian tourists, so they are packing their cars at the airport, according to a report.

"Helsinki airport is seeing a lot of Russian tourists at the moment," the minister said.

Since Russia relaxed travel restrictions on July 15, the number of border crossing has increased by 80%. Many Finns find it hard to accept Russians holidaying in their country while the Kremlin is still fighting.

The Ukrainian national anthem has been played at an attraction that is popular with Russian tourists.

The country's foreign ministry said in a statement last week that it was limiting Russian tourist visas. Russian citizens can enter Finland with visas from other EU countries. TheFinnish border guard told Agence France-Presse that two-thirds of Russians cross into the country with visas from other EU countries.

Haavisto told the outlet that they come here on visas from various countries and then go to the airport. Those holding valid visas can't be denied entry to the country.

EU foreign ministers are set to discuss a region-wide visa ban for Russian nationals next week, but not all member states think it's a good idea.

"Putin's war is not the war of the Russian people, but it is Putin's war," the German Chancellor said last week.