One customer didn't like the fact that the Z Fold 4 wasn't able to last 200,000 folds as promised. A user named Merzo1290 shared an image of their brand-new Fold 4 that broke five hours after they picked it up. According to the poster, they opened the Fold 4 and saw a crack on the hinge.

After the break, the broken Fold 4 was able to call a local support center. The fear of every device owner is what has been echoed in the comments. The problem seems to have been identified as a defect in UTG. Fans can take solace in the fact that it is not a new issue for the foldables, so it is easy to identify. These incidents are usually only seen with a small percentage of devices.

A Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 with a broken display.

The issue has been present since the Z Fold 2 but seems to affect less than 5% of all devices according to previous polls. It's not an official report, but it can give potential buyers an idea of what to expect when they get their hands on the new device. It does mean that opening a new device only to find it broken isn't impossible, even though five percent is a small fraction of users.

It is recommended that buyers of the Z Fold spend the extra cash on insurance to be sure. Someone with a faulty device might be out of luck if they don't have it.

It is good to know that both the Flip 4 and Fold 4 come with a one-year limited warranty that covers faulty hardware in the US. Make sure to look up the specific warranty information you received upon purchase to find out what is and isn't covered in your area.

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