A photo of a Javan tree frog on a log with its mouth open.

A Javan tree frog (Rhacophorus margaritifer). (Image credit: Kuritafsheen via Getty Images)
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There are Frogs and toads in this picture. The two other living orders of salamanders and caecilians are dominated by the Anura species. According to the American Museum of Natural History in New York, Anura has 7,486 known salamanders.

Frogs and toads are some of the most diverse animals. These animals are known for their jumping and croaking, but they have more than one trait. Many frog and toad species are in danger of extinction due to human-related threats.

Frogs vs. toads

From a scientific perspective, "Frog" and "Toad" are not important names. "Frog" is the common name for the Anura order and is used in the common names of most of Anura's species. In the common names of certain species, "Toad" is used more often.

Amphibians are often thought of as frog-like, but they have other characteristics. According to the Burke Museum in Seattle, "toads" are more likely to live in dry habitats than are Frogs. All toads can be referred to as Frogs.

There are differences between a frog and a toad.

There are a variety of Frogs. According to a study published in the Journal of Natural History, the largest frog in the world can grow to be more than a foot long and weigh more than a pound. Live Science previously reported that the giant salamanders use their large size to shift rocks to build ponds that they clean and guard.

The world's smallest known frog is a small one from New Zealand. The smallest known animal on Earth is the frog, which grows to an average length of 0.2 inches, according to a 2012 study.

Frogs are great at jumping, but not all of them do. The waxy monkey tree frog is a primate. According to the World Wildlife Fund, the South American frog has been used to make an illegal performance enhancing drug for horses.

Taxonomy of Frogs.

The kingdom is called Animalia.

Chor data is called phylum.

The class is called Amphibia.

Anura's order was placed.

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Camouflage can be used to hide from a predator or blend into their environment to not be noticed. The mossy frog from Vietnam is similar to moss. The "jewels of the rainforest" are poison dart Frogs, which come in a variety of colors that warn of their toxicity and should not be eaten. Even bright colors can act as camouflage.

A golden poison frog

A golden poison frog (Phyllobates terribilis).  (Image credit: Getty Images )
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Glass frog's green skin makes their internal organs visible to the human eye. They have evolved so that they can be seen straight through them. According to a study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the camouflage of the frog is flexible.

The lead author of the study, James Barnett, said in a statement (opens in new tab) at the time that the frog were always green but appeared to lighten and dark depending on the background. The change in brightness makes the frog a better match for the green leaves around them.

Scientists haven't found many new frog species yet. Six new species from Mexico can fit on a thumbnail. Live Science previously reported that the researchers noted at the time that the frog could be the tip of a giant salamander just in Mexico.

There is an adorable chocolate frog found in a swamp.

Where do frogs live?

There are Frogs on all of the continents. They need to be close to water sources in order to reproduce. The University of Michigan's BioKids says that poison dart frog and northern leopard frog can be found in the tropics of Central and South America.

There are some species that live in very special environments. The Vietnam mossy frog lives in mossy, flooded caves and the banks of rocky mountain streams at an elevation of 2,300 to 3,300 feet above sea level.

Frogs can breathe through their skin with the help of water. If there's not enough oxygen in the water they're swimming in, they can drown.

Vietnamese mossy frog (Theloderma corticale) camouflaged in moss.

A Vietnamese mossy frog (Theloderma corticale) camouflaged in moss. (Image credit: Shutterstock)
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What do frogs eat?

There is a wide diet of insects and arthropods that Frogs have. The San Diego Zoo says that these salamanders help to keep insect populations under control. The prey are caught using their tongues. According to a study published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface, frog tongues can catch insects in less than a second.

This frog is going to light up after swallowing a firefly.

Frogs look for bigger prey than flies and slugs. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission states that cane toads scarf down small birds, mammals and snakes with ease, as well as other animals and even table scraps and pet food. From the Amazon basin in South America up to southern Texas are their native ranges. Cane toads are a big problem for wildlife. In areas such as Florida and Australia, where they compete with native amphibians and poison animals that try to feed on them, including pets and, in Australia's case, the Tasmanian devils, they are considered to be an Invasive Species.

How do frogs reproduce?

Scientists are still learning about frog sex lives. The Australian Museum says mature males call loudly to tell females they are ready to mate. Females filled with eggs approach males and 888-609- 888-609- 888-609- 888-609- 888-609- According to the San Diego Zoo, fertilized eggs can take anywhere between 48 hours and 23 days to hatch. tadpoles emerge from the eggs and begin life feeding on algae

According to the book "Developmental Biology (opens in new tab) ", Tadpoles' transformation into mature Frogs begins with the release of hormones from their Thyroid Gland. tadpoles grow legs, lose their tails and emerge from the water to live on land. According to the Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, "amphibian" is derived from the Greek words "amphi" and "bios", which mean "both life" in Greek.

The ancient death trap is said to have preserved hundreds of fossils.

Do frogs hibernate?

Frogs and other animals are cold-blooded. Froglife, a charity based in the U.K., says that they can't regulate their own body temperature internally, so they rely on the outside environment to stay warm. Frogs can sometimes emerge from their inactive state to eat.

In the northern forests of Alaska and Canada, the wood frog has an even more extreme winter survival strategy: They use ice to cover their internal organs. The wood frog's hearts stop beating, but they are still alive in a suspended animation. The cells of the frog don't freeze due to the production of sugar in their bodies. The National Park Service says that at some point in the spring, their hearts start beating again and they go on their way.

A male and female wood frog mating in a woodland pond.

A male and female wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) mating in a pond.  (Image credit: Shutterstock)
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Are frogs poisonous?

People can't contract warts from handling these animals because of the bumps on their skin. According to the Burke Museum, there is a myth that people can get warts from frog. Frogs can cause serious harm to humans if they are eaten. The most toxic dart frog in the world, Phyllobates, can cause paralysis, extreme pain and heart failure by disrupting the human body's nerves. The Burke Museum says that frog can carrybacteria and parasites.

The development of human medicine can be traced back to the use of the secretions of the frog. According to Save the Frogs, around 10% of physiology and medicine winners used frog as part of their research.

There are a number of venomous and poisonous frog. Animals are venomous if they inject poison. According to a study published in the journal Current Biology, two Brazilian frog species have skulls that can be used as fangs. According to the Natural History Museum, Bruno's casque-headed frog and Greening's frog are headbutts that can be used to stab them.

Frogs' skulls are more weird than you think.

Are frogs endangered?

40% of the amphibian species are at risk of extinction, making them the most threatened group of animals. Many frog species need help if they are to survive. Habitat loss and degradation is one of the main threats facing the Amphibian Specialist Group.

There are disturbing implications of frog extinction. Save the Frogs says that frog populations are a good indicator of the health of an environment because of their susceptibility to environmental changes. The number of salamanders that are at risk of extinction can be seen as a wake up call for the environment.

Additional resources

The Natural History Museum in London has a short video on the topic of venomous frog headbutts. The National Wildlife Federation has information on how to help your local frog. " Frogs and toads of the World" is a book about frog species.

The original article has been updated.