The president of the Orange County branch of the NAACP resigned on Sunday after accusing the organization of anti- Asian racism.

The first South Asian leader of the organization held the post for less than a year. In 2021, she was elected as the vice president.

Toolsie said she had told other leaders in the branch of her intentions to leave weeks before. She accused the branch of trying to sabotage her by leaving her out of their annual gala.

She noted that a lot of people attacked her heritage in emails and meetings. Toolsie is from India and was born in Trinidad.

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The post, which was shared on Sunday morning before being deleted and reposted later that evening, said: "I have tried to resolve this internally for months, but no action to curb the harassment and racist marginalization was taken by superiors before my resignation announcement." I would like to thank all of the branch Executive Committee members and branch members who have continuously tried to stand up for me, loudly and proudly, despite the constant attacks in emails, at meetings, and otherwise.

She said that it would be hypocritical of her to continue to lead an organization branch that is against racism and oppression while she continues to be treated unfairly.

The communication, press and publicity chairperson for the branch said that he was concerned about the person and the charges that were made. We don't want to cause any problems or concerns unintentionally.

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Toolsie's last day as president will be August 31, and he will be replaced by Tiara Robinson. Toolsie said she was initially hesitant to take a leadership role because she is not Black, but after learning of the diverse background of the founder, she decided to take the role. She joined the organization as a volunteer and went on to lead initiatives such as an Asian American and Pacific Islander liaison program with the Orange County Sheriff's Office and the writing of a resolution condemning Islamophobia.

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