Paragraph 1C of the executive order was ignored.
State environmental officials were told to incorporate climate change considerations into regulations. The deadline was a long way away.
The creation of a restricted zone along the Jersey Shore is one of the things New Jersey is considering.
The upcoming regulations in one of the most flood-scarred states could set a new national standard for how state officials control development and protect against the intensified flooding that researchers say is linked to climate change.
Everyone is paying attention.
The founder of a New Jersey-based environmental consultant said that the change was a big one. They are looking into the future to come up with protective strategies.
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection is using projections of how climate change will increase flooding into the next century to develop regulations that would greatly enlarge flood zones where development is restricted and would require new buildings in the zones to be elevated well above current flood levels.
When sea levels in New Jersey are predicted to be higher than they were in 2000, the flood projections of the Department of Environmental Protection will be extended.
Historic patterns of flooding and rain have been used to guide development in the past.
Dennis Toft said that a lot of people can learn from what he and his colleagues are doing.
In an era of climate change, the federal government's flood data is out of date and inaccurate.
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State and local planners often use flood maps and rainfall projections to guide development. The federal documents have come under fire for failing to account for future conditions based on climate change and allowing unfettered development in areas that will be at risk of flooding.
The executive director of the American littoral society said that they are trying to anticipate where climate impacts will occur and not where they have been. A lot of people are doing that.
Murphy's executive order was praised by Moody's. The plan will put New Jersey at the forefront of states revising land-use rules to reduce climate risk vulnerability.
The state has been hampered by its ambitions.
One of the toughest issues in NJ is land use.
The two-year deadline set by Murphy for the Department of Environmental Protection to adopt new flood regulations has been missed. In May, the agency said that emergency regulations would be in place for the upcoming season.
Business groups objected to the use of emergency authority, which allows state agencies to put regulations in effect immediately and not have to go through the proper channels.
The vice president of government affairs for the New Jersey Business and Industry Association said there was no emergency. Everything is an emergency if you think of it that way.
The new regulations are a matter of ongoing deliberations, and the administration will provide additional stakeholder engagement opportunities soon, according to the Department of Environmental Protection.
Some of the nation's worst flooding has occurred in New Jersey, despite the fact that the state has not been hit by the same number of storms.
The state is third in payments property owners have received from the federal government's flood insurance program, behind only Louisiana and Texas and ahead of Florida and New York.
New Jersey is the most densely populated state in the country and is the fourth smallest. Storm surge overwhelms dunes and swells inlets on the coast.
In heavily populated northern New Jersey, a network of rivers and bays has caused flooding in cities such as Newark and Elizabeth.
Ed Potosnak is the executive director of the New Jersey League of Conservancy Voters. They are causing flooding.
New Jersey is vulnerable to both coastal flooding caused by Hurricane Sandy in 2012 and to rain-driven flooding due to the development patterns.
The deaths of 30 people in New Jersey were caused by Ida, which weakened to a tropical storm before crossing into the state.
That was an eye-opener. The consultants said that people lost their homes that weren't in the floodplain.
The threat of climate change and the need for action has been included in the narrative by state officials.
The Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection said that New Jersey is Ground Zero for some of the worst impacts of climate change. It is the greatest threat we face.
Even as Murphy pushes the state toward generating 100 percent of its power from clean sources, LaTourette stressed the importance of local land-use planning.
It doesn't matter if we go solar, wind or nuclear. We should have all of our trains and cars electric. The conditions will only get worse as a result of the emissions we have already placed in the atmosphere.
He said that they had no choice but to build resilience. We have to be willing to go higher.
A new Inundation Risk Zone is being considered on the Jersey Shore. The area just inland from the beach that is now dry will be swamped by tidal waters by the year 2200.
New buildings and critical infrastructure would not be allowed.
The proposal has made a lot of people angry.
A retreat from the Jersey Shore is what the New Jersey business association is suggesting.
All of the barrier islands would be considered to be submerged. The elevation requirements that apply to new buildings make it difficult to build in that area.
New Jersey's shore is famous for its 130-mile stretch of beaches and boardwalks made famous by Bruce Springsteen and "Jersey Shore" stars.
New Jersey's heart and soul is the Jersey Shore. There is more than the beach. The bays and the boardwalks are the ones that matter. New Jersey's coastal areas, living down there, and vacations come along with it.
People rebuilt homes on the shore after Hurricane Sandy, and climate advocates want restrictions on that.
The most effective response would be to prohibit development in higher hazard areas.
The advocates who applauded Murphy's plan in 2020 have grown impatient with the delays.
In June, a group of 30 environmental organizations wrote Murphy a letter saying they were "sorely disappointed by your administration's continued delays in adopting strong land use regulations to protect New Jersey fromclimate change."
The complexity of the issue and the Covid-19 Pandemic made it hard for in-person meetings to take place.
It is very difficult to fix a problem that exists by a regulatory process.
Permission was granted for it to be reproduced from E&e News. This is Copyright 2022, E&E News is a must read for energy and environment professionals.