There is a hint at what is to come in the job listing posts of cloud gaming specialists. The company is looking for a security product manager with experience handling cloud gaming challenges and a rendering engineer who can support the cloud gaming service.

This would allow the company to bring its games to TVs and PCs without the need for game consoles.

We are always looking for great talent to join our teams and are looking for new product opportunities to enhance our member experience. We don't have anything else to say at the moment.

The streamer has recently launched a number of mobile games, including "Into the Breach" and "Before Your Eyes" Even though the games are free for those with a netflix account, less than 1% of the subscribers play them. More than 200 million people subscribe to the service, but only 1.7 million daily users play games.

Maybe a cloud gaming service will catch the attention of more people.

Cloud gaming services allow users to play games without having to pay for expensive hardware. The global cloud gaming market is expected to reach $20.94 billion by the year 2030. The global cloud gaming market had over one billion dollars in revenue last year.

Less than 1% of Netflix’s subscribers want to play its mobile games