There was a large police presence at the entrance to the stadium.

The players from both teams arrived at the ground before the protest began, but there was a large group of fans still protesting after the game was over.

Following United's poor start to the season, which saw them lose both of their games, discontent has soared.

The majority of the anger is directed at the family who bought United in 2005 with a large amount of debt. Critics say the Glazers have presided over years of failure by England's biggest team because they have failed to invest enough of their own money.

It is thought that payments on interest, debt and dividends have cost United more than $1 billion.

The 1958, a fan group that arranged Monday's protest, said that they would not stand by and watch the club rot away.

In May last year, a home league game was called off when the stadium was empty because of the swine flu, and thousands of fans blocked access to the club's stadium. Fans clashed with police officers.

The club's involvement in the failed European Super League was the cause of the protest.

In the wake of the protest, the Glazers promised to rebuild trust with United fans. In June 2021, the co-chairman met with United fans and outlined his plans to invest heavily in all aspects of the club.

In the year of Sir Alex Ferguson's retirement, United won their 20th English league title. Manchester City andLiverpool have dominated the domestic game in recent years.

In the last five seasons, United haven't won a trophy, their worst run since the early 1980s.

Casemiro, United's newest signing from Brazil, arrived at Old Manchester earlier in the day. He will cost the club $60 million, with United scrambling to bring in players in the last days of the transfer window.

They have had five managers since Ferguson and this season has started badly. Questions have been raised over the Dutch coach's tactics and team selection after he took over.

Even though United didn't qualify for the playoffs, the future of the star player is uncertain.

The captains of the club were dropped to the bench against the Reds.