There were a lot of jaws dropped when it was announced that $350 million of a16z investors money would be going into a new venture by Adam Neumann. There was a huge sum and huge valuation for the company that owns a few thousand rental units.

There were claims that Flow could help solve a lot of social ills. Neumann's ideas for Flow are not lacking in vision or ambition, but only projects with such lofty goals can change the world.

Even by the standards of Silicon Valley that is idealistic rhetoric.

We felt something wasn't right. There was a factor that was involved. There was more. They were trying to take over the area. We don't think that's a good idea.

Amanda Silberling: Venture capital won’t save us

Some problems can be solved with the help of venture capital. If I'm out alone late at night and don't feel comfortable walking to the subway, I can get a ride home from a stranger I know and trust.

What if public transportation was just as good? What if I didn't have to make a decision between taking the bus home at midnight or walking 15 minutes to the subway and standing alone underground?

Adam Neumann's Flow wants to solve a housing crisis like the one investors call a housing crisis.