Is yoga helpful in losing weight? There is a lot of evidence to suggest that it can help with mobility, but there is not a lot of evidence to show that it is a real calories-torcher. A study published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health showed that a 60-minute Vinyasa practice burned less calories than a treadmill walk. It is not the most effective method of training if you want to lose weight.

Some people can lose weight through yoga but the average person won't see much change. The benefits of yoga are numerous, so if you have invested in one of the best yoga mats, it is worth keeping it. There is new research on yoga and weight loss.

There was no evidence to suggest that yoga could affect the weight of healthy people. There were changes in body mass recorded for overweight people who participated in yoga studies. As with a lot of exercise programs, this depends on your fitness level and the intensity of the yoga sessions.

Yoga students holding mountain pose

(Image credit: Getty)

The amount of energy the body needs for its housekeeping functions can be lowered by yoga. The body needs fewer calories if the rate is lowered. The study found that people who practiced yoga had a lower rate of metabolism.

A diverse Hatha yoga practice which is designed to speed up and slow down the metabolism was prescribed to more than 100 people in the study. The people followed this routine for a long time.

The study found that the average drop in the rate of metabolism was 18% for men and 8% for women. The lead author said that slowing down from yoga creates a tendency for weight gain.

The study showed that yoga practitioners would need less food and less calories if the percentage of reduction in the metabolism was high. They would gain weight if they continued to eat as they had done before.

Can yoga help you build muscle?

There is some evidence to suggest that yoga can help you to build muscle and improve flexibility.

There were significant improvements in the strength of the men and women in the yoga group. The type of yoga you practice may affect the strength of your muscles.

Woman practicing yoga at home

(Image credit: Getty)

A yoga class that focuses on passive stretching is called a Yin class. The postures are more challenging and the pace of the class is quicker with Bikram yoga. Strength is built by contracting muscles to stretch opposing ones. Active stretching is when you stretch out.

One way that yoga can help you build muscle is by progression, gradually trying different variations of postures and increasing the skill level. This was discovered by a study published in the journal.

Can yoga help improve other aspects of your health?

Increased flexibility, improved mental health and wellbeing, reduced stress and quality of sleep are some of the benefits of yoga.

College athletes were followed over a period of 10 weeks by a study published in the International Journal of yoga. One of the groups had biweekly yoga sessions while the other did not. The flexibility of the group that went to biweekly yoga sessions was different than the group that didn't do yoga.

Man practicing yoga outside

(Image credit: Getty)

Mental health and wellbeing can be improved by yoga. According to a study published in the International Journal of Yoga, practicing yoga and meditation can help people manage stress and improve their health.

The study found that a yoga practice made people sleepy. Less time was taken to fall asleep and more time was spent sleeping. In the morning, participants said they felt more rested.

Although yoga doesn't lead to weight loss, it does offer a lot of other benefits that could make you a happier, healthier person.

The article is not meant to offer medical advice and readers should consult their doctor or healthcare professional before embarking on any diet or treatment.