According to a financial disclosure released Saturday, the Save America political action committee spent nearly $4 million in July on everything from legal consultations to news subscriptions.

One of the political action committees associated with the former president has raised money to promote voter fraud, stop the left, and support Trump's picks for elections.

The financial disclosure to the Federal Election Commission shows that Save America disbursed more than $4 million in July on expenses such as transportation, lodging, broadcasting, payroll, and more.

The New York Times and The Washington Post were paid for by the political action committee.

The group made a large charitable donation to the museum.

Over a million dollars was spent on legal consultations for several firms in July, up from around $555,000 in June.

Stephen Miller, a senior adviser to Trump, was one of 44 people who were paid through payroll.

There was no explanation for the increase in legal fee spending in July. Save America PAC did not reply immediately.

The Save America PAC was giving money to firms that were representing top Trump aides who had been subpoenaed by the House select committee.

The PAC has spent more than $25 million so far this year, and ended July with more than $100 million on hand.

If Trump does enter the race, all of the money from the political action committee wouldn't be allowed to be spent on a presidential run, because they wouldn't be allowed to contribute more than $5,000 per election.

The Washington Post reported Wednesday that after the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago, Trump's political action committee saw a big spike in donations.