There is a new OTC category for hearing aids. Adults with mild to moderate hearing loss can buy hearing aids from general retailers. In the past, these devices needed to be checked out by an otothecist.

The goal is to increase access to hearing health by eliminating barriers and lowering costs. It should encourage a lot of new entrants. There is a new normal for hearing aids.

Eargo 6 seen beside a traditional hear aid.
Two types of air-conduction hearing aids that will now be considered OTC hearing aids by the FDA. Sandra Stafford / Digital Trends

Most hearing aids will be in the OTC category. Adults will be able to buy them from any place that sells them. Age verification isn't required by the regulation. All air-conduction models will be covered in the OTC category. They won't need a visit to an audiologist. You can choose from a variety of self-assessment tests to determine what you need.

The most popular type of hearing aid is air-conduction. An air-conduction model is what you would imagine a hearing aid to look like. They use microphones, an amplifier, and a speaker to deliver sound into your ear. Hearing aids can amplify sound, but they can't amplify it all.

The limits will still provide enough amplification to treat mild to moderate hearing loss, without being so loud that it would harm someone's hearing. People with mild to moderate hearing loss are supposed to get them. Let's discuss "perceived"

Self-assessment is unreliable

People who live a long distance from their nearest audiologist will find self-assessment very convenient. There are reasons to be skeptical about how much people can assess their hearing loss. Studies show that we are not a reliable source of information. I told my doctor that my hearing was normal.

People can't assess their degree of hearing loss and they're not better at it. Hearing loss can be caused by a wide range of problems. It will likely delay treatment if you try to fix those problems with OTC hearing aids. The risks are small and rare enough to be paid for by the consumer.

The costs of a bad fit

Bose SoundControl Hearing Aids

The associated cost will also be there. Customers of established hearing aid brands have relied on good return policies to try several hearing aids until they fit their needs. In the year 2021, Eargo had a return rate of over twenty percent. Long return policies and warranties are not required for OTC hearing aids.

All of this work and cost is shifted onto the consumer. You have to assess your own hearing loss from multiple sources, compare products and return policies, fit the devices yourself, and then return the devices if they make your ears itch. If the process hasn't stopped you from using hearing aids altogether, you can try another OTC hearing aid.

I think it's a good idea to call an audiologist. If you take an audiometry exam, you will be able to find out what type of hearing loss you have.

Audiologists can help

Hearing aid users will still see a lot of audiologists if they aren't visiting them. A lot of audiologists are on staff to answer questions. The customer service audiologist at Eargo was very helpful.

The app-based hearing tests and hearing test kiosks that are about to pop up all over can be addressed by the audiologists. For people with no clinical hearing loss, there are speech-enabled Wearables.

Speech-enhanced hearables?

Jabra Enhance Plus earbuds are tiny.
Sandra Stafford / Digital Trends

You can expect the concept of hearing aids to become a little fuzzier now that the FDA has loosened the regulations. Speech-enhanced hearables, a category of product that uses hearing aid tech, but is marketed to help people with no hearing problems, will soon be seen by more and more people.

Hearing aid companies will be the first to own audio brands. You can be sure that Sonova-owned Sennheiser won't be far behind when it comes to selling headphones. These products don't seem like they're only for health care. What about the company? Don't be surprised if the next AirPods have a better version of the Conversation boost mode.

Hearing health

It is likely to be mostly potential in these new markets. Hearing aid usage is low. Poor benefits, background noise, and uncomfortable fit are among the reasons. It doesn't matter how well it fits if you can't afford hearing aids. It doesn't matter if your hearing aid was cheap or not, it will stay in its box.

We should expect consumer hearing businesses to offer a long list of benefits now that they have access to the hearing aids market. We are able to tune them out if they don't.

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