Adding healthy grains to your diet can provide you with additional nutrition. Despite their bad rap, they are still essential for a healthy diet.

Each person needs different amounts of different vitamins and minerals. The processing of low-carb grains is different from the processing of other grains.

Grains are dried from the plant without interference. Much of the vitamins and minerals we need in our diet can be found in refined grains. Whole grains give you the best health benefits. Fiber is essential for nutrition and the body can't digest it.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, fiber in whole grains helps to move digestion along, control blood sugars, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and make you feel full. Fiber reduces blood sugar spikes and is a complexCarbohydrate. The American Diabetes Association claims it has more vitamins and minerals.

How can you make your diet more healthy? That is fairly easy. If you swap out some of your favorite foods, you'll be able to find new ones. Grains such as bulgur, barley and millet can also be tried. The health benefits of these grains are discussed here.

The wheat berries that make up bulgur are cracked and dried. It's easy to work with because it cooks very quickly and has a nutty taste.

A 100 g serving of bulgur has 14 g of carbs, which is low-glycemic. It has essential vitamins and minerals and is high in fiber.

Middle Eastern and Mediterranean diet have bulgar in it. It can be made into oatmeal, used as a base for a salad or grain bowl, or added to burgers.

bulgar wheat salad with tomatoes and avocado

(Image credit: Getty Images)

2. Buckwheat

A serving of Buckwheat has around 20 grams of carbs. A pseudo grain is a type of cereals made from seeds rather than grass. All nine of the essential amino acids are present in it. A good source of vitamins and minerals is bulgar.

It has been eaten in Asia for a long time. Buckwheat is believed to have been grown in Northern China for 6000 years. Soba noodles are popular in Japan.

What do you think about eating? Buckwheat is a great substitute for rice in risotto or as a side dish. Buckwheat is often used as a substitute for flour in food. Buckwheat is a grain that can be enjoyed by people with wheat sensitivities.

3. Quinoa

It is a pseudo cereals made from seeds. A portion of the grain has a high amount of calories. It's an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Red, white and black are the most common colors of quinque because it's free of gluten.

Making a side dish out of quinque is a great way to add texture and nutrition to a salad. It can be used as a substitute in dishes such as meatballs, burgers, and stuffed peppers. If it's added to baked goods, it will work.

quinoa and salmon salad with tomatoes and avocado

(Image credit: Getty Images)

4. Wild rice

White is not a good choice for added nutrition benefits. The cooked wild rice has 21 grams of carbs. Wild rice is a semi-aquatic grass and not a grain.

Compared to regular rice, wild rice has more benefits. It has a nutty taste. White rice can be replaced with wild rice in many dishes. Adding variety to salads is nice. Try it in a casserole.

5. Couscous

The durum wheat semolina is used to make couscous. Durum is a pasta wheat with a lot of calories and a lot of fiber. A trace mineral that protects against cell damage and infections is found in Couscous.

There are three main types of couscous. The smallest and fastest cooking is that of Morocco. It has a nutty taste and can be used in dishes. Extra fiber can be found in whole-wheat couscous. It can be used as a side dish to meat. Try couscous in a tagine.

couscous salad with feta and pomegranate

(Image credit: Getty Images)

6. Barley

The plant was thought to have been domesticated by humans. The grain is rich in vitamins and minerals. A 100 g of cooked barley has about 28g of carbs. If you want the most health benefits, hulled or flakes are the best choices. The tan color of pearled barley is due to the polishing of the outer layer.

If you're vegetarian, substitute mushrooms for the meat in the soup. It can also be added to salads and risotto. While it is a wheat, it does contain a substance called Gluten.

7. Millet

There is a group of small-seeded grasses called millet. The cooked millet has 23 grams of carbs per 100 grams. It contains important vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, iron, and zinc. A good source of fiber is millet

In Africa and India, millet is a staple food and can be found in a variety of dishes. It can be used as a seed to make oatmeal. It is possible to make a paste out of millet, similar to mashed potatoes or fluffy rice.

woman holding a bowl of millet and tomatoes

(Image credit: Getty Images)

The article is not meant to give medical advice.