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I've been pondering death recently. There isn't much, a little. I had a month long bout of Covid-19. Ed Asner, best known for his role as Lou Grant in "The Mary Tyler Moore Show," passed away recently. At his memorial service mourners were invited to talk with Asner through an interactive display that featured video and audio that he recorded before he died. StoryFile is a company that wants to make artificial intelligence more human. The company claims that their technology can match pre-recorded answers with future questions, allowing for a real-time conversation.

It feels like a conversation with a real person.

This is almost like cheating death. 

The legacy of the deceased appears to live on even though they are no longer with us. I wanted to know if Shatner had any regrets. He came back to the question after speaking about personal responsibility for a long time. No is the answer.

William Shatner introduces StoryFile. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVPmGbynBrw 

Here After Artificial Intelligence is one of the companies developing similar technology. The company wants to use artificial intelligence to offer its clients "digital immortality." A son wanted to capture his dying father's memories, so he developed a chatbot.

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The possibility is easy to see. It was ten years ago that my father died. I wish I had hours of video and audio of him talking about his life that I could watch and listen to, as he talked about his life. He would appear to be alive in some way.

The desire to bring our dead loved ones back to life is understandable and helps to explain the companies and their potential. ETER9 is a social network set up by HenriqueJorge. He said that one day, your great-grandchildren will be able to talk with you even if they don't have the chance to meet you.

How can you talk to dead people?

In the episode "Be Right Back," a woman loses her boyfriend in a car accident and develops an attachment to an artificial intelligence replica. The human needs love and connection.

A young man named Joshua who lost his girlfriend Jessica to an autoimmune disease recreated her presence through a text-based bot developed by Project December using Openai's GPT-3 large language transformer. Information about Jessica's interests, conversations, and social media posts were provided by him.

Since the bot said exactly what Jessica would have said, the experience for Joshua was very moving. He was able to achieve a kind of catharsis after years of grief. He had tried therapy and dating, but he couldn't move on. It may not be the first intelligent machine. It seems like it is the first machine with a soul.

It will probably not be the last. In 2021, Microsoft announced that it had secured a patent for software that could reincarnate people as a chatbot, opening the door to even wider use of artificial intelligence.

In an AI-driven world, when is someone truly dead?

“We’ve got to verify it legally

To see if she is morally, ethically

Spiritually, physically

Positively, absolutely

Undeniably and reliably dead!” 

–Munchkinland scene — “Wizard of Oz”

In the novel "Fall; or, Dodge in Hell", author Neal Stephenson imagines a digital afterlife similar to the one we have today. In the novel, the tech industry eventually develops the ability to map Dodge's brain through precise scanning of the one hundred billion neurons and seven hundred trillion synaptic connections humans have. Thousands of souls who have died in Meatworld will join Bitworld once Dodge's digital consciousness is up-and- running. They develop a digital world in which the souls have a form of immortality called a digital reincarnation.

Ten years ago, the technology did not exist to create bots that would keep the memories and presence of the dead, and today it does not. This is a wildly challenging task but is theoretically doable.

Advances in artificial intelligence, neuroscience, supercomputing, and quantum computing are helping people work on these technologies.

AI could provide digital immortality

Neuralink is focused on brain- machine interface and is working on aspects of mind-uploading. A number of wealthy people, including tech mogul Peter Thiel, have decided to have their bodies preserved until a suitable technology is available. One such organization is Alcor. When we call someone dead, it is a bit of an arbitrary line according to Max Moore. They are in need of assistance.

In the Amazon series "Upload," a man's memories and personality are uploaded into a fake persona. Even if some technology could take all of the matter in your brain and send it to the cloud, is your consciousness still you?

This is one of many questions, but ultimately may be the most relevant, and one that won't be answered until the technology is available.

Is that going to happen soon? The ability to upload consciousness is a finite amount, according to Greg Daniels, the show's creator. If you have a big enough computer and a quick way to Scan it, you should be able to measure everything.

The ethical questions this raises could be very similar to the connectome in number.

I want to talk with my dad again.

Gary is the senior VP of technology at the company.

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