Some of the documents in the Mar-a-Lago raid may be so classified that they can't be disclosed.

According to court records, 11 sets of classified documents were seized during the FBI's search of Donald Trump's Florida home. The affidavit used in the search should be made public.

The Department of Justice has until Thursday to tell the court what redactions they want to make if the case is released.

Kinzinger was asked if holding too much information could ruin public faith in the Justice Department.

Kinzinger said in the interest of national security and domestic politics, transparency is good, but that there is some stuff that is so classified you can't even say what it is.

We need to make sure that we don't reveal anything in an affidavit. He said that if things are redacted it shouldn't be done in a way that people can use the information for conspiracy theories.

The highest level of sensitivity for a classified document can be found in one set of materials seized from Mar-a-Lago.

The congressman addressed some of the theories of his Republican colleagues, such as the suggestion that the Mar-a-Lago raid may have been politically motivated.

Kinzinger said it was frustrating and sad to see her party go down a path of darkness.

The House Select Committee is investigating the Capitolriot. Regardless of what information is eventually released from the seizure, it is probably not going to change people's minds.

The Espionage Act is one of the laws being investigated by the Department of Justice.