It's hard to argue with what Musk just said to a group of wealthy GOP donors.

Mediaite reported this week that Musk attended a GOP donor dinner in Wyoming and that he was asked how the Republicans could improve their approval ratings.

Musk is said to have told the GOP to "stay out of people's bedrooms" in reference to the party's anti-gay policies.

He told Democrats to stay out of people's pocketbooks.

Center... Right?

Musk is starting to think more about the United States' political system before he speaks.

I support the left half of the GOP and the right half of the Democrats. Musk wrote on Tuesday night.

Musk is right about the chances that more progressive social policy could improve the party's image. He reminded donors on Tuesday that immigrants like himself contribute to a more robust country and economy.

There is no way to know if Musk's words will make a difference.

The FDA says hearing aids will be available over-the-counter this fall.