Most updates are like this now, but that doesn’t make them less important.
Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge

I am writing an article to tell you that the latest software for your device fixes some pretty nasty bugs and should be updated as soon as possible. There are fixes for bugs in the OS that can allow attackers to run malicious code on your device. The bugs may have been exploited.

This is the third or fourth time I have asked people to update their phones to fix security flaws. There have been 13 updates to iOS 15 since its initial release, and nine of them have fixed a bug. Some of those bugs could allow attackers to gain privileges.

Five of the security updates included a warning that the issue may have been actively exploited.

69 percent of Apple’s iOS 15 updates have fixed arbitrary code execution bugs

I'm going to repeat the steps to update your phone again, even though you've probably done this a lot this year. Go to System Preferences to update your software on the Mac.

It isn't a bad thing to have constant security updates. It's possible that they're an indication that a lot of bugs are slipping into software, but it's also possible that a company has gotten good at finding problems and fixing them. I pointed out Apple's recent track record to remind everyone that updates are important, and that they should be installed asap.

Constantly updating your computer or phone is really annoying. It takes a few minutes to install an update on a device. Apple is working on a way to make security updates more convenient.

The Rapid Security Response feature will allow Apple to push security updates to your device without requiring a restart. It is hard to patch an issue with a kernels while the OS is running, so the feature could take away some of the burden of keeping your device secured.

Lockdown Mode is an extreme security setting that most people won't want to use. According to Apple, Lockdown Mode will only be used for people who think they may be targeted by expert hackers, such as the ones hired by governments. The feature should be available when the two new operating systems are released. You sound great. It could be very frightening.

Updating our devices whenever a new security patch is released is something the rest of us can do.