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A cosmonaut had a problem with his suit while he was outside the International Space Station.

cosmonauts Denis Matveev and Oleg Artemyev went outside the lab at 9: 53 a.m. The European robotic arm arrived at the Russian segment of the International Space Station in July 2021.

They were supposed to be outside for about 6 hours. Russian mission control ordered Artemyev to get back into the airlock of the station's Poisk module after he experienced voltage fluctuations in his spacesuit.

Artemyev put his suit into the power system. The cosmonaut was not in serious danger because he was close to the airlock at the time the issue was noticed.

Matveev remained outside the station while moving close to the airlock. The further instructions came at 1:10 p.m. When the space walk was called off.

At 1:20 p.m., the story was changed. The spacewalk had been stopped.

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