She-Hulk is a character from the movie "Hulk".
The embargo on the first four episodes of She-Hulk was lifted yesterday. Today, the real embargo has been lifted for full, scored reviews, and we now have a Rotten Tomatoes score.
That is high. That is very high.
As I write this, my last count with 77 reviews in, it has a 98%, though I saw it at 98% briefly.
It is near the top of the grand MCU score list, which includes all movies and TV shows, but it can fluctuate up or down as more reviews roll in. It should be noted that the last series of the MCU received high scores at launch, and it remains on top of this list even after the dust settles. This is where things are now.
I saw her at a higher rate than three other shows and movies. By the time things settle, this score will probably go up or down a few points.
The show is praised for its sense of humor and its ability to break the fourth wall with its comedy.
She-Hulk is a character from the movie "Hulk".
Big success does not necessarily come from high scores. Despite the highest scores in the MCU, interest in the series was low as it was a brand new hero with a brand new actress, so many people may not have seen the show.
I think she-Hulk will do well. There is an incredibly avid Maslany fan out there who can't wait to see what she does in the role, she's a more well known hero and there is an incredibly avid Maslany fan out there who can't wait to see what she does in the role This seems like it will be a critical hit for sure, and perhaps an audience hit as well, if there is not a lot of complaining about the effects, like there has been with every trailer shown so far. We don't know if that will get better or worse as people get used to seeing her on TV.
If the scores change, I will keep you updated on the show.
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The Herokiller series and The Earthborn trilogy are available for purchase.