Some Christian circles in the US have been equating former President Donald Trump with Jesus Christ, according to a GOP congressman.

Kinzinger said that many pastors in America have failed their congregation by preaching Trumpism from the pulpit or not talking about how "corrosive" the ideology is.

Kinzinger, who identifies as Christian, said that some people equate Donald Trump with Jesus Christ. You are coming out against Jesus if you come out against Donald Trump.

—Alex Wagner Tonight (@WagnerTonight) August 17, 2022

One of the Republicans on the House Select Committee investigating the Capitol riot voted to impeach Trump in 2021.

The Illinois congressman has been censured by the Republican National Committee and has drawn the ire of Trump's supporters in and out of congress.

Kinzinger received a letter from members of his own family who were upset that he advocated for Trump to be removed from office.

We used to be so proud of your achievements. You should join the Devil's army instead of going against your Christian principles.

Kinzinger said that Americans have become so tribal that they fear being ostracized from their communities more than death.

He said that now Republicanism or conservatism is your identity.

He said that he had been kicked out of his tribe.